
KYC onboarding and AML considerations

By AiPrise
29, Dec 2023
5 min read

What is KYC Onboarding? 

KYC onboarding, or Know Your Customer onboarding, is a crucial process in various industries, particularly in banking and financial services. It refers to the verification and validation of customer identities to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and mitigate risks associated with fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing.

The primary objective of KYC onboarding is to assess the risk profile of customers before establishing a business relationship or providing services. By conducting thorough due diligence during the onboarding process, organizations can identify any potential risks associated with customers and take appropriate measures to mitigate them.

KYC onboarding plays a vital role in maintaining regulatory compliance for businesses operating in high-risk industries. It allows for comprehensive verification of customer identities while mitigating potential risks associated with illegal activities. By implementing robust KYC processes, organizations can foster trust among stakeholders while safeguarding their operations from fraudulent activities.

KYC Onboarding and AML considerations

As businesses increasingly move into the digital-first economy, knowing how to properly onboard customers is an essential part of staying compliant with know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. With the right approach and technology, businesses can streamline their KYC/AML processes while minimizing customer dropoff. 

  KYC/AML requirements for onboarding

In the digital-first economy, KYC and AML regulations play a key role in customer onboarding. For businesses to stay compliant and reduce customer drop off rates, they must find a way to balance effective KYC with a positive user experience. This can be challenging since KYC requires a lot of information from customers. At the same time, businesses need to ensure that customers complete their onboarding process quickly and easily in order to maximize retention rates.

It is not just fintechs who are affected by this issue; companies across industries are increasingly having to build efficient KYC processes into their onboarding procedures. Improving KYC onboarding processes is one of the biggest tasks for fintechs globally as they experience an average drop off rate of 20-40% at this stage.

To develop effective onboarding systems, it's important for companies to understand how Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations apply to the onboarding process. These regulations vary from country to country, making it difficult for global companies to keep up with all the requirements. Fortunately, there are some global best practices that help guide companies in developing an effective KYC/AML onboarding strategy.

For example, many countries require companies to have granular levels of due diligence depending on the type of service offered or product purchased. Additionally, some countries require additional verification measures such as biometrics or government IDs before allowing customers access certain services or products. Companies should also be aware of any local data privacy laws when collecting customer data for KYC/AML purposes.

By understanding these best practices and using a layered approach—including combining manual checks with automated technology—companies can ensure compliance without sacrificing customer experience or security standards.

We will explore real-world examples of successful KYC/AML onboarding scenarios later in this article; however, it is important to remember that each business will have different requirements based on its size, industry, target market and legal obligations so it is essential that businesses review relevant legislation before proceeding with any changes in their own operations.

A Layered Approach to KYC Onboarding

Customer onboarding for fintechs is a necessity in the modern digital-first economy to ensure compliance with regulatory standards such as KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering). It is important for businesses to not only meet their compliance objectives, but also consider the customer experience when creating their KYC onboarding process. This careful balance between security and convenience can be achieved through a layered approach to customer onboarding.

This approach involves collecting different levels of KYC data points based on jurisdictional requirements, industry, customer country, transaction volume and amount, as well as other risk profile factors. For example, lower risk accounts may require minimal information such as name and email address; while higher risk accounts may demand additional verification steps like facial recognition or selfies with government IDs. This type of customised system enables businesses to focus their efforts on areas of greater risk without overwhelming new customers.

The advantages of this method are clear – it allows businesses to meet regulations while providing an engaging user experience that will help them retain more customers throughout the onboarding journey. Crypto companies have already adopted this approach in order to offer secure yet convenient onboarding processes for users while still ensuring full compliance with applicable laws.

AML/KYC Client Onboarding Regulations

The regulations surrounding AML/KYC compliance are essential for companies operating in the digital-first economy. To ensure adherence to these laws and guidelines, businesses must adopt a layered approach in their customer onboarding process. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) set out Customer Due Diligence recommendations.

Here is a summary of the key FATF KYC requirements:

  • Customer identification: Financial institutions must verify the identity of their customers by obtaining and verifying their full name, date of birth, and address. For legal persons, financial institutions must also verify the identity of the beneficial owners.

  • Customer risk assessment: Financial institutions must assess the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing posed by each customer. This risk assessment should take into account factors such as the customer's type of business, country of residence, and source of funds.

  • Ongoing monitoring: Financial institutions must monitor customer transactions on an ongoing basis to identify suspicious activity. This may involve screening transactions against lists of known terrorists and criminals, and monitoring for unusual patterns of activity.

Reliable sources or data providers such as government authorities and credit agencies should be utilized to obtain customer information. While such procedures are crucial for regulatory compliance, user experience must also be taken into account when creating an onboarding system. This way businesses can get customers onboard efficiently while still meeting regulatory standards without sacrificing user experience.

To meet the demands of both KYC/AML regulations and enjoyable user experience, it is important for businesses to understand best practices in both areas. By taking this two-pronged approach businesses will be able to protect themselves from fraud while providing an engaging journey for customers throughout their time with the company.

Reducing Drop off rates during KYC

One challenge for every company is customer drop-off during the onboarding process if it isn't managed properly. To reduce this rate, companies should focus on providing an expedited and frictionless experience. This includes only collecting minimal KYC information during onboarding, using latest AI technologies like facial biometrics to speed up due diligence.

Additionally, businesses may use incentives to motivate customers to finish the KYC process. Offering rewards or discounts after completion could encourage customers to stay engaged throughout the journey. Companies must also remain cognizant of changing regulations, both local and global, when designing their onboarding processes. This ensures all relevant information is collected accurately while still preserving customer satisfaction.

Finally, a layered approach can help guarantee a fast yet compliant onboarding experience without compromising fraud prevention measures. Different levels of KYC data points are collected based on factors such as jurisdictional requirements, industry, customer country, transaction volume and amount alongside other risk profile metrics. By taking this route you can provide an enjoyable user experience that will retain more customers while still adhering to applicable laws

Conclusion: Identifying the right KYC/AML solution for your needs

When it comes to KYC Onboarding /AML Onboarding solutions, selecting the right product for your business needs is key. AiPrise provides a comprehensive solution that combines advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning with biometric authentication tools, making the onboarding process faster and easier while still meeting global compliance standards. 

Furthermore, companies can tailor their own risk profile factors according to their specific requirements in order to ensure fully compliant onboarding processes. 

With AiPrise's digital onboarding technology, businesses can have peace of mind knowing they are meeting all applicable laws and regulations while providing customers with an engaging user experience. To learn more about how AiPrise can help you streamline your KYC/AML processes, schedule a demo call today!